GI-MAP White Paper
Quantitative PCR Stool Technology for the Integrative and Functional Medicine Practitioner
The Gastrointestinal Microbial Assay Plus (GI-MAP™) was designed to assess a patient’s microbiome from a single stool sample, with particular attention to microbes that may be disturbing normal microbial balance and may contribute to perturbations in the gastrointestinal (GI) microbiota or illness. The panel is a comprehensive collection of microbial targets as well as immune and digestive markers. It screens for pathogenic bacteria, commensal bacteria, opportunistic pathogens, fungi, viruses, and parasites. It primarily uses automated DNA analysis to give integrative and functional medicine practitioners a better view into the gastrointestinal microbiome.
Click the GI-MAP White Paper image on this page to view or download the document.
Also available in our Resource Library is the GI-MAP Interpretive Guide.