The Role of Parasitic Infections in Chronic Health Imbalance
Health Optimization with the GI-MAP™
Part Two of a Four-Part Series
From fatigue to skin rashes to back pain and constipation, most patients suffering from significant parasitic infections have complex symptoms that may be confusing at first glance. In this webinar, Dr. Dan Kalish discusses his experience treating patients with parasitic infections, and the role qPCR stool testing using the GI-MAP stool test plays in identifying and quantifying infections.
Dr. Kalish also:
- Reviews which patients should be evaluated for parasitic infections
- Helps you understand the work you need to do prior to treating parasites to ensure success
- Explores the connection between parasites and immune health, stress, and the ways parasites can trigger other problems in the body
Video Transcript
0:02 Hello everyone, and welcome to today's webinar from Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory, The Role of Parasitic Infections in Chronic Health Imbalances, This webinar is presented by doctor Dan Kalish. Doctor Kalish is dedicated to teaching doctors, functional medicine, philosophy, and practices gets trained over one thousand practitioners worldwide indicate which method, which solves patient challenges through a proven lab based approach by means of the ... Institute educational programs. Whenever you are ready, doctor Kellis, you can begin.
0:34 Thank you very much for bringing me back. And so we get to talk about one of my favorite topics which is the role of parasitic infections.
0:42 And for those of you that are brand new to this, the first time, you heard me speak.
0:48 I've been around for a, while, I've been, you know, like, longer than, I want to thank, about 27 years, I've been doing this job. I don't know where all that time went, but in the midst of these years, I've managed to do all kinds of different things. I've worked for several different lab companies, was pretty heavily involved in the development parasite testing.
1:08 it, wherever older lab companies, long time ago, spent lot of time with Paris Taraji experts and was quite fascinated about this aspect of the job you know, 25, almost 30 years ago. And things haven't changed much since N terms appears taji.
1:25 It's all about the same evey things and people are getting sicker and were often, I've also been involved in research studies and working very closely with Richard Lord now, to develop some more advanced curriculum, lab testing, still in practice, to this day.
1:40 We have a couple of specials coming up for people who listened to this discounts on our Boot Camps. So, in April, we'll be doing lab interpretation bootcamp and that is on amino acids and B vitamins, and it's an in-depth dive for two months into lab interpretation of this pretty complex area of amino acids.
2:02 We're gonna look at four different cases, a healthy athlete, depression, case, and insomnia, and anxiety case and one on craft fatigue and get into, you know, how you can interpret amino acid and vitamin testing at a high level, which is where they call that class and you get a 20% discount, if you're interested, You use a lab coat based on the diagnostic solutions lab. So D S 2021. And then in June, another new class haven't taught either these before on functional genomics. And really looking at the common SNPs and how we can interpret existing functional medicine labs and correlate them with the SNP testing that is very popular out there, And, again, you can get a discount on that class.
2:48 And that's an area I think that's kind of the up and coming subject for. all of us really is understanding how to co-ordinate the genetic testing with the other functional tests that we do. Anyway, so those are coming up, you get discounts on those, you're interested, check them out.
3:02 And then for today, we want to talk about the types of patients that are going to benefit from a parasite test, understanding the work you need to do prior to and during parasite treatments, to make sure that these work well.
3:17 Then, understanding the connection between parasites and human health, you know, the immune system, stress, and why, why these infections, or even a problem? And I don't know for me, at least when Susie say the word parasite, it just sounds a little dodgy, which sounds a little bit like some kind of colon cleanse that you're doing based on some late night TV ad or something. But these areas, these are pretty serious infections, and pretty serious problems. There's an old old book, which, if you haven't read, it's worth probably buying. You probably get from Amazon for like 1.99 or some.
3:50 Guess what came to dinner, and it's a nice little intro to parasites if you want a little refresher on it.
3:56 But the, the thing that's interesting to me is like if I, if I look back on my first couple of years of practice, I never, ever, would have dreamed.
4:07 How many patients I would treat in these last 30 years, where their main problem is really a chronic low grade digestive tract infection?
4:17 Like, I mean, I learned about this, and you kinda hear about it, and there's conferences on it, but it's hard to wrap your mind around what these low grade chronic infections can do to people over the course of decades. They're way more common than you would imagine. They're very difficult to find on labs.
4:35 Very few people that I test in my practice have any idea that that's what's going on, you know, and they cause so many problems. It's, again, hard to wrap your mind around.
4:48 Then the biggest problem amongst all the problems is that they don't really display the obvious symptoms. I mean, somebody goes to Mexico, and they come back, and they have diarrhea every day for three weeks.
4:59 That's an obvious parasite infection that needs to be treated. But we're not talking about people like that.
5:05 We're talking about people who have cry fatigue, or depression, or anxiety, or asleep problem, or something like that, and it's not obviously tied back to a trip that they took overseas. Somewhere when they got really sick, that was, you know, 15 years ago.
5:20 The problem with these kinds of low grade infections is because in integrative and functional medicine, we're using nutrients in diet to improve people's health.
5:29 If you don't clear up the gut problems, you're going to really This issue will just undermine everything else that you do and chronic low grade inflammation in your intestinal tract, from crypto or geordie, a blast O, or E has to it. Just, it'll ruin everything else that you're trying to do, and you'll have these patients. They just won't progress, as you would expect.
5:49 So, if you're ever wondering, you know, do a test. If you have patients that aren't progressing as you would expect you should test them. If you've got a new patient, you should test them.
6:01 Just basically test everybody, everybody that you can, And in fact, about one million years ago, when I worked in this lab, they had this guy named Jerry was one of the people that worked there.
6:14 He was kind of a character, he was like a Hollywood Script writer, but he gave up his job to come work at Lab, is this holiday luxury, but he had his t-shirt made up for all of us that we were for like one day. And it sat on the front, do the test, and then the back, it said or die like the rest.
6:32 And if you knew Jerry, his sense of humor is pretty good, but you know, it's hard to get people to do stool testing. You know, but once you understand how important this is, you know, you feel like walking around with a crazy t-shirt.
6:44 Like Jerry had, OK, trying to wrap my mind around why has this idea of chronic parasitic infections.
6:52 So, just not paid attention to, you know, certainly in conventional medicine and to a great, great degree. You know, even in integrative and Alternative Medicine, most doctors don't run pairs to RG tests on every single new patient. You know of which they should be doing, I think back to the 18 hundreds, there was a man named Joseph Lister.
7:13 Listerine as one of his inventions. But one of the things, at least, your Dad was discovered that there were these unseen organisms that were causing infections and back in the day when he was a doc.
7:24 Doctors would do surgeries and they would walk from one surgical room to the next with blood on their hands and blood on their big aprons and they didn't wash their hands right there. Just, like, deliver a baby. And then go, do a surgery on an infected wound and then go deliver another baby. And guess what, a lot of people are dying because of infections, whether it was in childbirth or doing surgery.
7:46 And what lister figured out is that, hey, you know, what if we wash our hands, or if we spray some antiseptic solution, this whole infection rate thing drops dramatically, and then he postulated, rightly so. that there are these tiny little organisms out there that were causing these infections, and that the physicians of their era were actually transmitting the infection from one patient to the next when they started to use these, excuse me, caustic sprays.
8:14 Their hands were would get so irritated from a full day of surgery, then they started wear gloves to protect their hands, and then the infection rates dropped even more. So, anyways, even though this guy pretty much prove that this was what was going on.
8:24 It took a decade or two, what's really fierce Fierce opposition to this idea that there was something going on it you couldn't see that was causing infections, that was being transmitted until it became widely accepted. Now, obviously, we think it's like normal, but I think of this with no chronic infections, but he was dealing with was acute infections, obviously that were bacterial.
8:45 But with chronic infections, causing chronic health problems. We're kind of at this crossroads moment where it's clearly that's what's happening.
8:53 But it just hasn't been accepted by, and in fact, is sort of made fun of really in the conventional medical world, just like Lyster was kinda put down for awhile, You know, It's the same exact kind of phenomenon. It just takes a generation or two for people to start to, you know, catch on, that these things are important, OK?
9:14 So, all that being said, again, if you can run these labs, consistently treat people for these infections and you get about 100 cases under your belt, You'll be convinced as I was somewhere around 100 lab mark, that this really, really matters. And the infections that I wanted to talk about today are ones that I see in practice every year on a regular basis crypto, Giardia, ... Blastocyst is to a lesser degree. Some of the things like Roundworm, Pin, Worms Hookworm thread, where those are a little hard to find and don't show up as often. And then there's different types of tests, right? There's a standard ...
9:51 where you have someone with a human being with a microscope, looking for an infection. You have stool antigen tests that are done widely, and that's positive. Then, you know, you have an active infection. And then you have PCR testing, which is what diagnostic solutions offers on the GI map. And the PCR testing is using a whole different testing method, right, using DNA to look for that.
10:16 So, now with the old-fashioned LMP as a human being, Antibiotic Risk, and honestly, depends on how much attention they're paying like, if they were out drinking a little late the night before. And we kind of hung over, they're probably not going to find his way Parasites the next day. It also depends on how many samples are set in, right. So, people have labs that do 2 or 3 or 4 samples because the more samples you have to analyze, the more likely you are to find these bugs because you're not shed in every bowel movement.
10:45 And so PCR testing or DNA based testing, is an attempt to get around this problem of being reliant upon a human being and human eye to find these infections, which understandably are difficult to find, right?
10:57 By definition, they're microscopic little things and, you know, it's not easy for anyone, even with a high level of training to be able to figure this out.
11:06 And so, in terms of warning signs, that can occur, right, anything from the obvious digestive symptoms, constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating, those kinds of things.
11:20 Now, those are the people that are pretty easy to convince to do the test, but then you can also have a whole crowd. Joint pain. Muscle aches, anemia. There'll be classic, right. Not having enough ironing body because the parasites. Some kind of skin related problem, or fatigue or immune problem, or insomnia, or absolutely no digestive symptoms at all.
11:42 Now, the problem is that with organisms like crypto, and each one of the ones that we're going to go through today, I wouldn't break out each of these organisms.
11:50 You're gonna find that some people have depression from Cryptosporidium.
11:56 I've seen that hundreds and hundreds of times.
11:59 Some people get crypto and end up having back pain.
12:04 I haven't seen that hundreds of times, but I've seen that dozens of times.
12:07 I've seen back pain mm more than 30 times probably with Blastocyst as Hominis.
12:14 I don't know why that would evolve them, but anyways, some people are gonna get Cryptosporidium and have, oh, you know, the classic crypto problem is intermittent symptoms. Right, so, every, one of my, my old old office manager from, maybe, and my son was born for maybe 20 years ago, my office manager, Jessica.
12:34 I hired her, she's great. She's, like, super smart. She had no hard worker. She just graduated from cause, She had spent a year in South America, and then came back to the States, want a job.
12:45 And so, you know, the first month on the job, she calls me and she says, Oh, you know, they're back. I'm getting these migraines and and I just can't, you know, come to work for the next couple of days in every time this happens. I just have to just lay low and headaches, and all this other kind of symptomatology, something OK, that's a bummer. I didn't know that when I hired you, it, OK. And then this just kept happening. And by the second month or something like, Look, this is kinda crazy. Is this, we can test your hormones, I was sure. As a hormone problem. Because you're a woman, and she was happening every month. And we ran a hormone panel. And her hormones refine.
13:20 And then, I ran a GI test, you know, what the heck. And she had done to me, but fragile is that she had picked up.
13:29 And she was in South America, and turns out that these organisms, like, crypto and ..., can have a life cycle, right? Crypto is probably the most notorious one for doing this. And she would get symptoms every 4 to 6 weeks.
13:43 It seemed just like a menstrual hormone related problem.
13:46 But as soon as we treated the parasite, the entire cycle of symptoms was gone, OK, So again, you'll see this with crypto. You'll see this with Deigned to me. But Fragile is where they're cyclical symptoms, sometimes their GI symptoms, but sometimes like with Jessica, they're, you know, headaches and it seems like something else is going on.
14:05 Highly, highly infectious intracellular parasite, most people get it through bad food or badwater. It's a nasty little bug, right?
14:12 It gets into the cells that and, you know, it goes into the cell and then it kinda chews up the cell and breaks down the cell that it's in. And again, it goes in and out of the cells and migrating cycle, So if you have patients that have cyclical symptoms, whether their GI symptoms or headaches, or classically just extreme fatigue. Every seven days, 14 days, 21 days, 60 whatever days you know.
14:37 every cycle that seems like every four weeks or three weeks or six weeks, you might suspect something like Cryptosporidium is going in and out of their cells. And when it's flaring up, you're getting symptoms. When it's died down, they're not so bad.
14:52 And this is a pretty nasty little bug.
14:55 There's a little picture of, It, doesn't look like much, but it has a horrific life cycle, as some people can get these infections, is like, true for charity, as well, in an acute phase, right?
15:06 Where you're having shrimp cocktail on the beach somewhere, some exotic location. And it seemed like a good idea, because you just had to daiquiris, you're kind of happy.
15:16 And you're not thinking about the fact that you shouldn't really be, you know, eating uncooked foods, but you just do it, and you have horrible diarrhea and vomiting for a couple of days. So, that would be an example of getting an infection when these organisms are in an active state.
15:31 But you can also pick up something like Giardia or Crypto in an inactive state where you get a little bit of the organism menu. But it's not causing any acute symptoms. And it just gradually over time starts to completely rip your intestinal tract lining apart, but you just think that you're fatigued or you just think that your *** strategy they're good, or you just think you have this weird skin rash, or you just think you're having food allergies. You have no conceptual framework that this bug is, is ripping your gut apart.
16:00 OK, now, even people that have the acute symptomatology, and this is what happened to me when I was living in Thailand. So when I was, I don't know, maybe 23 or 24, I'd say it was a good idea to go live in the jungles of Thailand in a monastery in Thai Buddhist monastery, called ....
16:17 Then I went to another one. If you're into Thailand monasteries, There's another one called What Banana Chat that I went to in, a weapon on a chart is in the far north.
16:26 That's in north, right-hand corner of north, Eastern Corner of Thailand.
16:29 And it, it's very remote that say, put it kindly and their hygiene, not so great, you know. And I got deathly ill that monastery, Some from some bad food.
16:43 And, know, I recovered, I came back down to the Southern Thailand and where the beaches are kinda hang out and relax and kind of get a grip on things and went to live in a different monastery. That was a little more low key. But one of the things that started to happen about a month after I got the parasite, the one that I got was called .... I didn't know this time, right, Was I started to develop food cravings and all of a sudden these like coconut fried banana things to really good HT hit him every day. That is card in front of the monastery, and how it just got there, and my little monk close, and give them a couple of bot and get my little fry coconut banana thing. And I had never had a food, addiction and food craving probably my life. But all of a sudden, I was like, I don't know, these things are delicious. So then, of course, I gotta allergic to all these foods and I started down this whole kind of craft fatigue path today was on.
17:32 So, um, anyways, you can pick up these infections, and even if you get a cute symptomatology like I did, you can have patients that don't really make the connection between their their inflamed bowel problems, their chronic constipation, diarrhea, or their fatigue. And the fact that they picked up one of these bugs, OK? It's not totally obvious.
17:52 Many, many years ago almost a half a million people in the City of Milwaukee got Cryptosporidium all at the same time.
17:59 And I actually had to patients in the around this time, a little bit after this event happened that were part of the Milwaukee outbreak, so it can be, oh, you know what's even funnier story isn't really funny. But it's kinda funny is that there's a lab.
18:13 one of the labs I was working for it, I told you about long time ago, they had the lab itself, the physical lab offices where they did the test, right? Where it was in Santa Monica at the time, this was a long time ago.
18:27 And they had this outbreak of Cryptosporidium in Santa Monica because it got into the image in a bit. You know, the tap water. It was in the tap water because something failed, I don't know some filters failed or something.
18:41 And the people that worked in the lab were drinking their Cryptosporidium tainted water and testing themselves and finding that they had crypto there were working in the lab company, OK. So this stuff can happen.
18:54 and you know, it doesn't have to be a monastery in the remote jungles of Thailand. Like happened to me. You can get these infections from tap water. You can get these infections from other people that have them.
19:06 They're relatively easy to pick up If your immune system can't surveil things very well, OK? Remember, crypto is the one that most often leads to cyclical symptoms, like every three weeks or every six weeks kind of flare ups of fatigue, but it could be any of these bugs that could cause that. But crypto is probably the most common. Crypto can mimic. Crohn's disease can cause villas atrophy media damages, the small intestine lining.
19:31 Enlarge cramps in the gut can cause a lot of different problems, kay?
19:37 And our children, that's particularly nasty, horrible, horrible infection in kids.
19:42 So we had, don't even need to make things up. Like, the true stories of my life are so weird that I don't even have to have like a fantasy life. I just like tell you, actually stuff that happened. OK, so I was about, again, as before, my son was born. I did everything by that says, maybe like 25 years ago, and I was teaching a class, just innocently teaching a class at this naturopathic school and this woman came up to me at the end. It was an evening corps, came to me. I was like seven. I can. I can kind of remembering thinking like, I want to get out of here and go get some dinner. I wanted to burrito or something. Like asking me questions, like, OK, I'll just stay for a few minutes, and she came and she says, I don't know what to do. You know, I have a three year old son, or maybe he was for like a four year old son, and he's been really sick with his horrible digestive problems. And no, they can't find anything wrong with them. We'd been now we go into these pediatric gastroenterology specialty people and they're thinking about doing some kind of an exploratory surgery on him because they just can't figure out what's going on.
20:39 So I was like OK like really, I just want to go get my burrito and I have no idea. I think he should just see a real doctor. It sounds like he's really sick so I said well what happened and what's been going on and when did you first start with. All my same exact questions. I always ask, right. Which is when Do the problem first start. What else was going on around that time.
20:55 So the prep for the problem at first started like less than a year ago and what were they doing there, camping, and this was when I was down in San Diego, they have a setting where you can me, she's like well we took a trip down to Mexico and we were staying at a campground. And we were drinking the tap water from the Campground and Mexico. And I'm thinking, Well, that is the worst parenting that I've ever heard of, and since we came back, he had really bad diarrhea, diarrhea, just won't go away. And, so I'm thinking, Well, I don't know.
21:23 Like, you don't really get, like rare genetic disorders of intestinal inflammation that they're looking for.
21:31 Now from the campground in Mexico, you probably we get a parasitic infection. So as it do they check them for parasites. She said, oh, yeah, yeah, we did all that. But, of course, what ended up happening was they did one standard kind of ... test.
21:44 The person with a microscope is based, Not that day they didn't find it, OK. We will, If we were able to run a proper lab, Right, a Good Quality lab found the Cryptosporidium and spare that kid a world of pain. It's probably all grown up now. So, anyways, it's very common for these infections to be missed in conventional medicine.
22:04 They'll, typically, with the obvious history, like this child, had have, you know, do a little bit of ... in the beginning, but they won't stay with it for long enough to really, just kind of completely rule out the infection problem. They'll start to go on to other diagnostic categories, just something to keep in the back your mind, this is why we can really help people because this problem kind of like, how doctor list, you're probably felt, right? He's, like, Wash? your hands is the, you know, antiseptic, put on gloves.
22:31 This is, you know, I'm not making this stuff up, you know, I feel like that now, but, you know, from a chronic infection standpoint, so, blastocyst is hominis, Um, oh, so much to say about blast. Anyway, I just see this one a lot.
22:48 I know it can be considered, OK, you know, that some people feel like, it's not really that big a problem, a problem but it's not really on the radar for, you know, heavy duty, anti parasitic drug, kind of treatments, like somebody's other infections might be.
23:07 Every case of glass that I've treated, which is every case of ever found, the person that's been very happy, that we got rid of this, and I have this general rule of thumb for patients. It seems reasonable in the world that we're living in.
23:19 For all of my infection, all my patients, all my patients, to be infection free, OK? It's a low grade infection. Blastocyst, is probably, hasn't killed a lot of human beings.
23:29 But I think, certainly drag you down and cause chronic inflammation and all kinds of, will be maybe consider minor symptoms, right?
23:36 Not symptoms that are going to put you into the emergency room, but, you know, low level digestive problems can be pretty common with this bug, IBS type symptoms. You know, and that can be highly inconvenient if people are having diarrhea nine times a day or something like that. So, again, blastocysts habits, it has its own little life cycle and important to recognize that all these organisms.
23:59 Are there parasites, right there, parasitic just like the term. Oh, by the way, this has nothing to do with his class.
24:04 But if you have not seen the movie parasite yet, probably the best film I saw last year, parasite, it's based on this Korean family.
24:14 I don't want to tell you the details of it, but anyways, it's It's It's um, what he called Film Noir I guess it's kind of like a creepy but really artistically done movie.
24:25 It's not a horror movie by any means, but it's really great Parasite, OK, sorry, that was a little segue, that's nothing to with this class.
24:32 But, um, these organisms, like blast, whoa, you know, they're pretty hardy and I do get a lot of feedback from doctors that are in our classes and say it's kinda hard to kill.
24:42 So blast, oh, maybe brings up the point that you want to be circumspect and careful and strategic about how you get rid of these bugs. So the temptation, for sure, is to see that there's an infection, and then to just want to kill it right off the bat. But that does not work well, because these organisms have their own little life going on. They got their own little personal agendas, and they want to keep us alive.
25:08 You know, so that they can stay alive.
25:12 And so, you have to be really strategic about how you get rid of these bugs.
25:17 The number one thing that you need to do is make sure that you clean up as many variables as possible before you do the killing phase.
25:23 So that means that you get the person on the right diet. You work on their adrenals, and get them to distress. You get them to start to meditate. You get them to start to, you know, get their relationships better. Just get them healthier for a few months and work on all the lifestyle factors. When you feel like their immune system is going to up regulate, you feel like your immune system is getting stronger, maybe use some immunoglobulin, supplements, or some glutamine based supplements or some prebiotics and probiotics or some ... or whatever it is that you're going to use.
25:56 ..., probably my favorite these days, when a better supplements, I think that's available. It's just came out in the last year or two, So you can get B iterate from a couple of different companies. Now, see something like that to get their gut ready. So that when you started to do the killing, it's more likely to work. And, because of the way that I was trained.
26:13 Yeah.
26:15 In the GI where cups and a man named doctor Bill Timmins many years ago, I've had not noticed that blast as harder to kill than anything else, but I get this feedback from doctors coming into our Mentorship Program all the time. Like, I can't get A never get rid of blast, Oh, I can never get rid of this or that, and I think if you do the preparatory work well and you did lifestyle work well and you up regulate the immune system. You're going to have great results getting, read these books, OK.
26:40 So if you do have a patient that comes in and they say, Um, know, I've tried this and this and that treatment and nothing's working from my blast to just take a deep step a deep breath and a step back and think through your strategy So that you have a comprehend strategy. How you're gonna get rid of it OK But again, in my opinion, it's always worth getting rid of Blaster.
27:00 If you see, it can cause all kinds of irritations in the gut lining.
27:05 And now, we're onto kind of like the, I don't know, the pinnacle or the nadir. The pit of these. I don't know if this is the high point of the talk, or the low point. But this is the worst of all the bugs in my experience, in that. And, to me, ...
27:24 can cause the most serious GI problems, and the most serious liver related problems of all the different infections.
27:32 Now, of course, it all depends on how strong and healthy the person is, but this is a particularly extraordinarily nasty bug.
27:40 It's hard to find on the labs because, by its very nature, ... cell lytic lysis. It slices up.
27:48 It's the amoeba that slices up into the intestinal wall into the lining of the intestinal musculature itself and embeds itself.
27:57 So as not in the luminous, not in the place where the food contents are moving through, right?
It's really hard to find on labs. Even the DNA testing, it's hard to find.
28:06 So if you ever see a histone or even a hint of V histone, just like, don't even mention the name. He has to take it really, really seriously.
28:16 It can go up the bile duct as ... can go up to bile duct and into the liver and cause abscesses and problems in the liver.
28:25 And it's just a nasty nasty bug. And out of all the GI cases I've had in these gazillions of years of doing this.
28:34 The ones that really stand out, the really bad ones, know that when they stand out by Stand Out, I mean that I couldn't get them better very quickly. You know, took like a year or two to really help the person. E History I was just prominent on that list. You know I will put Giardia ... and crypto on that list. Is the hardest to get rid of.
28:56 And he has to being You know, by a factor of 10 like harter than any of the others, So if you see it, you know, again, just think through your strategies.
29:06 I've never had a case where we could clear it only with herbs, every case I've ever had of ....
29:13 We had to resort to medications, as well as natural treatments, maybe that's just me, bad luck, but it's not an easy one to kill. Some really great medications for it, is one drug called a linear. The lot of my medical, doctor, friends, use for ..., and it's incredibly effective. But it's not an easy thing to kill, even if you're using drugs and.
29:34 Herbal support. So be on the lookout for this, one has extra importance.
29:38 And then if you ever CES ..., and this is an old Timmons Trek, doctor Tim has taught me this and I think I've used this trick, It's not trick this piece of information. I think this has been relevant three times in my career. So about every 10 years, this has been very important. Pass this fact onto you which is a ....
29:58 Even moreso than Giardia, I believe.
30:01 Yeah. Can, you know, cause major problems with the liver? So, Jodi, I can get up into the bile duct, but he has to, I know can get into your liver And cause an abscess in the liver which can be very dangerous for people.
30:12 And so that's one of the reasons why if they have an amoebic abscess and their gut is completely ripped apart, the antibiotics seem to be no required to really handle this thing.
30:23 And so be on the lookout you can't just, like, dump a whole bunch of ... into someone's body if they have ... and their livers not in good shape.
30:32 So, this is one you just really want to Be careful. And, you know, I'm a chiropractor by training, so I always work with medical doctors to try to sort out these more complex cases.
30:41 And my old buddy, Morgan Camp and I had done a bunch of his suitcases together. He'll do the medications. All the herbs person goes back and forth and, you know, eventually we'll get the upper hand here.
30:51 All these infections we're talking about today can result in food allergies.
30:58 So if you have patients coming in and they're getting more and now there's different kinds of food allergies, obviously, right?
31:04 There's like my son is allergic to Kiwis and that it's not because of parasites, just allergic ..., throws up, and that figured out as a mom and I figured out that what, I'm pretty fast, Some people are allergic to, I don't know nightshade, or some people are allergic to oranges or whatever. So you some people are just born with food allergies and that's just, you know, what their body's doing for that particular food. But when the person is acquiring food allergies and when the food allergies are mounting and getting worse and worse and worse, exponential exponentially. So, oftentimes that means that there's some kind of parasitic infection going on, like Giardia or ... crypto knows really bad parasitic infections damage, the gut lining in the immune system so much that we start to get sensitive to foods.
31:49 And when, I think, back, again, on my ... patients who had ...
31:54 for, you know, a decade or two, most of them, almost all of them came in with the main complaint being I can only eat, you know, like pineapples, and melons, and Turkey. now everything else I eat makes me sick.
32:08 Or unless I do an SCD diet or an autoimmune Paleo diet, I can't function.
32:14 You know, they're on some kind of real extreme kick with food because of the damage that has come about from an infection.
32:22 Like, he has tau, Giardia, crypto. Those are the three again that, in my mind, stand out as as causing the biggest problems.
32:31 And, look out for liver of people with ....
32:34 Maybe every 10 years, you'll see this, too, where, it makes a big difference to, to warn the person that they may have an issue with their liver going on.
32:42 If they have a history, and, obviously, get it checked out. By, you know, conventional medical testing.
32:48 So, again, all these organisms have this life cycle. They're doing their own thing.
32:52 They're living and dying and reproducing and, you know, I guess they're kinda like freeloaders because you're doing it off of our food and our energy and everything, but you certainly don't want them to continue this life cycle.
33:05 And Giardia Second most prevalent Waterboard parasite You see.
v33:10 I mean, if you're practicing in in the United States, charity is all over the US, right?
33:15 ..., you have to go anywhere fancy on a vacation to get your idea and it's highly infectious. It's easy, they get it.
33:22 Um, you can get it from bad food or bad water. You can get it from cats And dogs, I don't know.
33:30 I've tested only like three veterinarians in my hole practice life.
33:36 And I think two of them had parasitic infections, one had Giardia and one had crypto, they want to know the funniest thing in the world. This has happened like 10 years ago, that I chatted at his veterinary, and that was a patient. And she had digestive problems. We ran this loud and she had Giardia and she looked at me, and she said, I know what patient I got that from.
33:53 But she met a dog, right? Not a human being. I was like, Whoa. She had a dog that had Giardia is So cool, and you got it from your patient with your patients. And I thought that was funny because it's just the idea. I think you have the August. Pacing was so hilarious to me, but, anyways, you can get this from animals, does the point.
34:09 You can get this from humans, I guess, humans or animals, too, you can get this from pets, or you can get it from human beings. Most of the time, I think it's human to human contact, right? That's doing this. And it's it's a doozy right?
34:19 This one just rips the small intestine apart, so bad and it attaches to the bile duct into the liver can mimic gallbladder disease, meaning you're not absorbing fat's real well.
34:30 This is disgusting, but true, The assist form, right? The inactive form like the little.
34:37 Egg form, right, can live under your fingernails for six months. Scrub your fingernails really good tonight when you go sleep. And.
34:45 If one person, the family gets it, everyone can get it pretty easily if they're sharing your kitchen. Couples can pass these infections back and forth through sexual contact or through cooking and sharing a kitchen. And so I do have a, you know, I do strongly suggest with couples that they test the partner. You know if we have something like Giardia or Crypto or H pylori and what the heck? You know, just make sure that if we get it out of the family, get it out of the household entirely when time, and not just kinda mess around and tinker around with it, OK?
35:21 Oh, and then she already has got its own little special thing.
35:23 Like, so, Jodi, I guess, because of the way it attaches to and damages the small intestine delay, you can get a lot of chemical toxicity problems, chemical sensitivity problems with Giardia in the affairs of fat absorption. And then you don't have right the right levels of fatty acids, and then your cell membranes aren't so great.
35:43 Not only the food allergies busses with Jody, specifically, you often see chemical toxicity problems, and, you know, real sort of extreme reactions to environmental chemical exposure, as well as at least the or the GI stuff that can go on.
36:01 Not a fun one.
36:03 And that one is susceptible, you can use medications as a series of medications. You can use feature idea. You can also get rid of it with herbs.
36:11 People go either way on that one.
36:12 I think that one's pretty, um, commonly treated with medications.
36:19 It can trigger symptoms that are like IBS.
36:23 It often causes, there's environmental sensitivity, sensitivity, chronic fatigue, type stay, you know, issues.
36:31 You can get it from other people Like in this case, Child Care Workers And get it from changing diapers, you know, from other human beings.
36:39 And it's a pretty common infection.
36:42 And here's the here's the thing like the classic symptoms of jordy are really bad smelling, intestinal gas and bloating.
36:50 But, I don't know the vast majority of people that I've had with charity, I don't have any of these obvious Giardia symptoms. That's why it's so hard to deal with.
36:58 Then, we have roundworm. These bugs are hard to find. But when you do find them, And that can make a huge difference for people, this one is easy.
37:06 Or these kind of worms are easy to treat, and I would say, sort of, know, for the amount of ease of the treatment, you know, kinda life-changing for people to get rid of them. So that one's always on the lookout for that, the treatments are really straightforward.
37:20 And for roundworm, there's a couple of medications that are used that are pretty effective.
37:26 Can use herbs. Vouching always seemed like a waste of time, ..., because the medications you just give, either for one day or for three days, and you get rid of this whole thing, and do it again, if, you know, a few weeks later. And it's gone down to me, but fragile this.
37:38 I've seen a lot, though, probably like 4 or 5, 10, to me, refresh those cases, in the last couple of months.
37:45 I don't know why, this is kind of comes in waves, I guess, but this one comes up a lot. So this one is on the border. You know, like some people treated with medication, some people treat it with herbs.
37:56 I kind of let people choose what they want.
37:58 And Ally makes Nana as a curious one because it's pretty easy to kill.
38:05 And in some people I find, is this super mild symptoms, Like almost nothing, and then some people, even though it doesn't seem like a big deal kind of bug, can cause a lot of fatigue and headaches.
38:16 And, you know, just, you know, feeling unworthy to be alive kinda feelings. So, it's worth getting rid of ...
38:21 makes Nana, but it's easy to get rid of as is and to me but Colet know with the herbal programs I don't think people use medications for those very often.
38:30 The one sort of clinical tidbit to while we're on this topic is of things that you should just you know in the back of your mind is that and to me but colet So it says E Coli here, but they're not equal either bacteria Right. We're talking about end to me because let me show you here this guy here and to me, but Colet not the bacteria e-coli. So they are abbreviated the same way, which is kind of confusing, right? The amoeba.
38:52 This is the, the amoeba that can be a partner or co-conspirator with, and, to me, but ..., which, remember, I said, is the worst of all these.
39:05 So, just keep that in the back your mind.
39:07 If you see end to me but Colet not equally, but end to me but Coley just wonder if there's any possibility this person has E history because that's the Mac daddy extra bad. Worst version of all these different infections.
39:21 Then again E E and Alana makes Nana and then to me but Colet not too hard to kill although sometimes the symptoms that is symptomatic relief can be pretty significant.
39:32 So these are the bugs again thinking about the ones that show up crypto ... Blastocyst is the enemy of a fabulous. And allow makes Nana.
39:43 And to me the Colet I see all of these, you know except for the E has to know at least once a year.
39:50 Maybe some of them I see like the ... this maybe once a month almost.
39:55 Getting common with them and you're familiar with them and understanding Like should I use medications? Should we do herbs to be to do a combination of both and something to think about?
40:04 So, like when you're working with doctor Camp all these years, if, you know, there's many different approaches you can take. So, you can, for example, start with an herbal program. If it says Giardia and then, you know, work on the adrenal's work on getting the inflammation down and then segue over in a month or two to doing an antibiotic to get really giardia. So, you can do both starting off with the natural program and then ending with medication. You can do the exact opposite.
40:31 You can do, Yeah, the medication for Giardia first, and then because you can only take those for a week or two at the most you seven days or 10 days.
40:39 Then you can do a couple month follow-up program to get rid of the rebound, yeast overgrowth from the antibiotics to get rid of any remaining .... What you want for a lot of these organisms is a pretty long killing period. And if you're using medications, sometimes if, you know the amount of time you can use ...
40:55 really short, like three days, or seven days, or 10 days, or something like that, some of the drugs you can take for two weeks, but that most of them are, you know, generally recommended to be used for shorter period of time.
41:06 So you can brackett the natural programs either before the medications, or after you have a longer killing period. Or, in some patients, you'll find maybe it's ... makes Nana and there's really not medications for it necessarily.
41:20 You can do the whole thing with an ... program, or you might have someone who has crypto.
41:25 But they're really against, you know, antibiotics because they took antibiotics so many times in their life already and they don't want to do another round of medication like that unless they have to.
41:34 So you can always start with and ...
41:36 program for a couple of months and then get, you know, escalate that to medications if you have to.
41:42 And the way that you know that it worked is you simply retest at the end of the program.
41:47 So, you know, you're never going to be left wondering, did that really work Or not? If you do the retesting and you make sure that charity has gone into the crypto is gone. So what you're looking for, obviously, is a reduction of patients' symptoms or elimination of symptoms, and then a retest that shows that the infections are clear.
42:04 And if you have that safety net of retesting, then you don't have to worry about using the herbs and that not working because you're going to know, OK, The downside to the oeuvres are that they're expensive because you usually have to give at least 2 or 3 different products for two months.
42:23 And you can cost 4 or 5, $600 to buy all that stuff two months worth.
42:28 You know, the downside to the medications are that, you know, they're antibiotics and they can cause rebound, yeast overgrowth. Sometimes people don't handle the medications very well and it can be hard in the liver so people get sick from them.
42:43 Advantages to the medication, though, is that, you know, oftentimes insurance companies will pay for them, so they're less expensive.
42:49 If it's a, let's say it's a woman and she wants to get pregnant in two months, maybe she doesn't have time to do this long herbal program.
42:57 And a week of antibiotics may seem like an attractive option, you know, So there's many different cases where, depending on, you know, what makes the most sense for the patient.
43:05 You can either combine antibiotic, then herbs, or oeuvres the antibiotic, mush them together, or you can do one or just the other. And all these years of killing these bugs. I've tried so many different approaches with so many different medical docs in different clinics I've worked with, and all the people in my training program.
43:24 I really don't think there's any one surefire way to do this. That's the best for everybody.
43:30 The only thing that I have seen consistently is that with the really bad ones, like ..., that the medications need to be in there somewhere.
43:40 And then they went and with the ones like Roundworm, hookworm thread worm, that because the medications are so quick and easy that it just kinda makes sense to do them, you know, instead of, First ever, just relying on a long term herbal program. So, I'm gonna talk about this for a minute.
43:57 Then, I'm going to show you some sample labs, and then we'll open up for questions. So, again, if you came in late, we have a couple of new courses that I'll be teaching, I've been working on the curriculum for these for four years, has exaggeration literally for four years. I'm very excited.
44:10 They're finally coming out been talking about them and thinking about them for four years. The first one is amino acids and vitamins.
44:17 It's deep dive into how to test incorrect E amino acid and vitamin problems for looking at athletes, crime, fatigue, depression, and anxiety, and insomnia as conditions.
44:29 Alright, and really understanding how you can prescribe an amino acids and B vitamins to make patients change significantly in dramatic and wonderful ways. And then, in June, we have a second bootcamp that's on genomics. And it's, again, about how to combine the functional medicine lab work that we do, in terms of amino acids and B vitamins, and connect that with Methylation, snips, and the SNPs related to S comma T. And since this is, you know, the SNPs to do with the brain and the B vitamins and all this, and getting a sense of how that ties together, the genomic part and then the functional medicine part. And if you're listening to this, you can get a 20% discount. And either these courses, they're both two months long, and they both have for live calls.
45:15 They both have a very significant set of lectures from my teacher, doctor Richard Lord Flus supposed to be in retirement, but work seven days a week. I just spoke with him this morning. I'm talking with him, and about another 15 minutes. We're working on fatty acids right now that I'll be out next year, OK. So the all these classes these Boot Camps have Richard Lord speaking. And for those of you that don't know, Richard, if you're newer to our profession, he's the scientists that develop the integrative medicine organic acids tests, amino acids, fatty acids. He developed a whole lot of things in his career on a lab analysis. And I've been working with Richard really closely for four years now. It's pretty close to.
45:56 So anyways, these two things are coming up, and if you're interested, you can join us for those.
46:01 And you get a nice discount, which lowers the price down quite a bit.
46:05 And then let me show you here.
46:09 Couple of labs.
46:10 Now, honestly, this is not that hard if you get the hard part is convincing people to do the test. Right?
46:19 That's the hard part, but the interpretation here is pretty straightforward. So if you're looking at a diagnostic diagnostic solutions GI map.
46:29 And again, we're going to open it up for questions in a couple of minutes. So get your questions ready.
46:32 And you go to just a section that says parasites, crypto, E histone, .... That's the first thing, I look at a nice.
46:40 If any of those is positive, game on, you got some work to do.
46:46 I, and this may sound like creepy and twisted, but I actually get excited and am happy.
46:52 Not like Gleeful, but like happy enough, like I got something to do kinda way.
46:58 If I see crypto or ..., I'm like, OK, this is going to be good. I'm gonna help this person, I know I can help him. I know I can kill these guys.
47:06 I know I'm Smarter than Cryptosporidium OK.
47:12 There's an H pylori that's kind of borderline.
47:16 And H pylori is very commonly paired with for reasons that are beyond my understanding.
47:23 Other bugs, these are opportunistic bacteria.
47:26 Then we have this last section of parasites to separate out, the pathogens are up top and then the protozoa right here, ... Hominis. So you gotta look in those two areas. And here the other ones I talked about Blast Topazes when this test, ... and ... Nana, ... again, that's not equal allied as an amoeba and as ....
47:49 Another bug OK now Same thing here.
47:53 Look at the task, just so you get familiar with how to do this real quick, believe it or not have people come in with these labs from other doctors, and the doctor missed the infection.
48:03 I'm not kidding. This happens every year. Like, someone will come in, and I'd be like, Oh, she already had to test, and let's look at it. I'm, like, did they treat your ... and the person, like, No, I'm, like, OK.
48:13 Well, that I'll say about that, you know, I never put down other doctors, but I'm thinking, Wow, how could you missed that? It's right on the lab, people.
48:21 So, look at the first page, first under pathogens, crypto .... I always look at that first.
48:27 That's clear. You take a deep breath and go, OK.
48:30 Well, that's not going on.
48:31 Then, don't forget, you're looking at the other parts of the test that relate to parasites. Skipping by all this great commensal bacteria and disperses markers. And the reason why I look at them this way, is because this is where the origin, which I want to treat.
48:45 So if you have a major parasite that's present, I was taught by doctor Chairman's to treat that first to come back later and deal with the Candida and the ... and the other stuff. OK, so I was always taught to treat the ... crypto or H pylori, Giardia, crypto, or .... Or in this case, you can see ..., I would go after that first, before I went after it, and he just by osmosis or any used. These are considered the primary infection the way that I was trained in naturopathic world. And if you get rid of that primary infection first, you're going to have a much easier go a bit. And look for one more here again, you scan through.
49:25 And the first thing I do is look at these bugs, these are all clear: crypto, ... and Geraghty. Oh, no, Giardia.
49:35 I mean, that's the end of the story for me. Now, I know exactly what I'm going to be doing for the next 4 to 6 months with this patient.
49:41 Now, of course, I look at the rest of the test. But, Geordie has gotta be dealt with upfront, OK?
49:46 Gotta be dealt with upfront.
49:49 See what else is on here?
49:51 ..., I would say anything that you do to get rid of charity has probably going to clear out the .... That's the one I mentioned earlier.
49:58 It's not too hard to kill And the Giardia you really have to take consideration of whether you want to do antibiotics or herbs or some combination giardia is in that category where, you know, for a lot of people it makes sense to to do the medications.
50:14 All right, so I'm gonna open it up for questions if you guys have any questions about all this good stuff.
50:25 Alright, yeah, we do have time for a couple of questions. The first question we have is would you treat parasites or H pylori first?
50:34 Know I really just have done exactly exactly what timmins taught me all these years, and it's worked so well. I'm sort of superstitious, knock on wood to change it.
50:45 So he always said H pylori first, and then parasites.
50:49 But if you have no H pylori present, then parasites, first, before yeahs parasites first before display aosis, et cetera.
51:04 OK, great, I say one more thing about that.
51:07 Yes, and not at the same time, Like, don't try to get rid of H pylori and a parasite at the same time.
51:16 It just goes badly. It's unfair to the patient and scan it.
51:19 It's too high risk that it will make them sick, and it won't work, and then you won't get either.
51:26 OK, thank you. The next question we have is, How do you treat parasites that are co-infections with Lyme disease such as far, and they tend to be more stubborn? Do you treat the body first, such as Candida, mold, et cetera before the parasite?
51:42 I have a very close friend, who's a Lyme disease expert, doctor ... swag. If they have Lyme Disease, I just send them out. I've never treated lime patient in all my years.
51:55 Because it's such a complicated condition, involve so many complicated things. And the other things is that Sanjay as a medical doc. And it often, maybe almost always requires medications. And I feel like, I co manage a lot of cases, like I've said, like ..., doctor camp, and I go back and forth. I'll say, hey, look, Susan or whatever name is, you're gonna go see a doctor camp, he's going to treat the EHR with medications, but I'm going to do all the adrenal.
52:19 And herbal programs, you know, And so, the medical doc that I refer out to is just doing antibiotics for that one infection, but, with Lyme disease, I feel like it's such a complicated thing to manage that. I want the person to see a Lyme disease expert, so I just send out for that 100% time.
52:37 OK, great, the next question we have says, I have heard the chronic parasitic infections can be due to environmental toxicity, such as heavy metal toxicity. Have you heard this or had cases like this?
52:50 Also, if someone has both, should parasites and the heavy metals be treated at the same time, Well, you never want to treat heavy metals, heavy metals and parasites at the same time data for sure.
53:04 Be a high risk of making the person really sick.
53:06 In general, you want the intestinal tract working pretty well so that person can detox the metals effectively.
53:14 So, in other words, if the person has got ...
53:17 and Giardia and then you try to do a heavy metal detox, a lot of the time you know, a lot of the metals are chemicals that are coming out, of the tissues, Are the only three exit routes, right? You're going to either sweat them out. You're going to pee them out by being well hydrated and they're going to come out through your liver. And gallbladder and stool.
53:34 So you need a pretty highly functioning gut in order to successfully do detox without people reabsorbing and, and you know, just getting sicker from the detox process itself. You don't have to have a perfectly functioning gut is probably not realistic but you don't want a major gut problem.
53:53 You want to solve the major gut problems before you do the more aggressive detox. Then I think the first part of the question was more like like why do people have these parasitic infections in the first place? Right.
54:04 Um, it's some combination of exposure. But we're all exposed to these every time we go to a public restroom and touched the dorner, right.
54:16 It's a combination of exposure and susceptibility. host susceptibility. So if your immune system, well, here, there's an experiment. They did a long time ago ketosis unlike in the fifties, because they couldn't do this kind of thing anymore, but they took a group of prisoners.
54:35 And I think there's like, 20 or 30 of them were swipe that.
54:37 And they gave them all a glass of water with Giardia in it, which is kinda grocery you think about. And they all got sick. Of course, they all got sick.
54:46 And then they track their secretory IGA and the ones that had really good secretory IGA got sick and then they got better. And the ones that had the lower their Secretory IGA was at the time.
54:58 They did the Giardia exposure the more likely that Giardia will become a chronic long term infection.
55:07 Meaning that it's it's the host's immune system that determines the outcome of the severity of these parasites.
55:13 Like, if I went to, if I drank a glass of water right now, which you're already in it, my immune system should say, Oh, makes me really sick, throw up, Vomiting, nausea, diarrhea for a few days, and then, in a couple of months, it should be gone completely if I tested myself.
55:32 If my immune system was stressed because I ate it bad breakfast was in a bad marriage and didn't exercise ever them. You know, it could be Giardia for, you know, 20 years.
55:46 And heavy metals are part of that equation, right? It's but it's bigger than just heavy metals. They could trigger this.
55:55 OK, great, thank you. The next question says, It sounds like testing seems so important when it comes to parasites because they can be hidden and mimic many conditions. Do you commonly see parasites where you weren't expecting to find them?
56:10 like, seriously every week of my whole last 20 years? Yeah.
56:17 You know, and let's see, OK, so, that's one thing.
56:20 But, what's even more intense is what gets better when you treat them.
56:29 What are the things that can get better when you treat ...?
56:34 And it's not what you think, You know, because we all have our pre-conceived ideas about how these kinds of things should go down.
56:42 And we're like, OK, well, I understand that your IBS is gone now. That makes sense.
56:48 Your *** drive is back. That's a little weird. Well, yeah, because you're already a member.
56:52 It interferes with fatty acid absorption, and you make your steroid hormones, your *** hormones are all made from fat.
57:00 So are you, it could even be something as, Oh, you know what?
57:03 I've seen this like at least 5 or 6 times, and it just freaked me out every time so much that it just stuck in my head all these years.
57:12 Pregnancy woman's trying to get pregnant for a couple of years. We get rid of the Giardia or crypto next month. She's like, comes in and says, I'm pregnant. I'm like, wow. How does the hormone program going didn't even get to the hormone program, yet, doctor Kalish? What I did was a crypto treatment, he told me to do.
57:30 So suppression of hormones, I mean, just things you wouldn't think of, that a kind of profound sense of how they impact people's lives.
57:43 OK, great. This question says, I have a client with the ... infection. Do you know if the spasm in the esophagus can be caused by that?
57:55 I'm not, I don't know. I'm not sure I've never heard of that before, so yeah, I'm not sure.
58:02 OK, and one last question. Can Cryptosporidium be treated naturally?
58:08 Yana crypto, crypto is kinda hard to kill, right? Because this member, it's the one that goes in the cells. And when it's in that phase where it's inside the cells, it's hard to get at it.
58:19 And then it goes out.
58:20 So if you're consistent, you can get it with the herbal programs. But you have to be consistent for, like, at least to complete 30 day cycles, So 60 days of the herbs that crypto will cycle in and out of the cells enough times then that you can potentially get it.
58:37 But it's one of those bugs.
58:39 If there's a reason why the patient is in a rush, or No, it's a college student, and they're just not going to take herbs for two months or whatever the situation may be.
58:48 It's one of the ones that you can definitely get a prescription for, if there's a reason to speed things up, and you want to use medications.
58:57 Awesome, thank you so much. That's all the time we have for today, and thank you, everyone, for attending. And thank you, doctor ..., for a great presentation. We're looking forward to having you back in May for episode three of health optimization with the GI map.
59:12 Thank you, Appreciate it.
Author Dan Kalish, DC
Dr. Daniel Kalish is dedicated to teaching doctors Functional Medicine philosophy and practices. He has trained over 1,000 practitioners worldwide in The Kalish Method, which solves patient challenges with a proven lab based approach through the Kalish Institute’s educational programs.
In May 2016, a research study published by two Mayo Clinic researchers confirmed the efficacy of The Kalish Method showing significant improvements in GI health, and quality of life in the study participants. The study was based on Dr. Kalish’s model of Functional Medicine based on 25 years of successful clinical results. Graduates of The Kalish Institute include practitioners ranging from Dr. Mercola’s medical staff, to Mayo Clinic and Cleveland Clinic physicians.
The opinions expressed in this presentation are the author's own. Information is provided for informational purposes only and is not meant to be a substitute for personal advice provided by a doctor or other qualified health care professional. Patients should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing a health or fitness problem or disease. Patients should always consult with a doctor or other health care professional for medical advice or information about diagnosis and treatment.