Annual PLMI Thought Leaders Consortium
Event Details
× *** ANNOUNCEMENT *** Integrative Healthcare Symposium announced cancelation of 2021 edition – ongoing pandemic keeps hotel temporarily closed. The 2022 edition of the Integrative Healthcare Symposium will proceed as scheduled from February 17–19, 2022. Click the Information & Registration button for the latest updates.
Personalized Lifestyle Medicine Institute
Clinical Epigenomics: The Connection Between Immune Aging and the Microbiome
The world-renown faculty for this conference is composed of pioneers and leaders in the development of the fields of discovery covering the microbiome, environmental epigenetics, functional immunology, biological aging, and the role of lifestyle, diet, and specific nutrients in managing clinical conditions associated with chronic immune-related issues.
The clinical objective of this Tenth Annual Thought Leaders Consortium is to provide insights as to the variety of points of potential intervention with personalized lifestyle medicine for remediation of dysfunction that occurs as a consequence of altered communication among the intestinal microbiome, epigenome, and immune and cellular mechanisms that influence senescence and accelerated biological age.
Please visit the Diagnostic Solutions team at our booth.
ALSO – Don't miss Dr. David Brady's plenary "COVID-19 LONG HAUL SYNDROME – EXPLORING THE CONTROVERSIES AND PATHWAYS FORWARD on Saturday September 18, at 9:15 AM. Dr. Tom Fabian will also take part in this thought-provoking discussion.